Thursday, 13 November 2008

Quo Vadis??

"Annuncio Vobis Gaudium Magnum..."

We announce to you all with great joy...that the Vocations Director of Lancaster Diocese is holding a day for vocations at Lancaster Cathedral on 6th December.

If you would like to attend or know someone who might be interested, please see the Vocations blog for further details on how to Book

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Help needed...

Is there anyone reading this blog who would like to keep it up-to-date with posts about the prayer group, including social events etc...

If so then please leave a comment on this post or pass your e-mail address details to Fr Philip and we can add you to the list of contributors.

New Link added

It's been a while, but the Lancaster Vocations Blog has been updated recently. It is part of the mission of every Baptised Catholic to promote vocations in any way they can - not just to Priesthood and Religious life, but also promote the vocation to marriage or celibate single life.

If you do know anyone who may feel called to the Priesthood, but doesn't know what to do why not pass the link on...

Monday, 18 August 2008

Is it September yet???

It seams like ages since the last youth meeting at Ladyewell, there is nothing really that new to say apart from the fact that the meeting times are changing for September.

The actual times are the same - 7 till 9pm, but there will be a meeting every week EXCEPT the First Sunday of the month.

Bye for now...

Wednesday, 2 July 2008

That time of year again...

I can't believe it is July already and as such the next few months will be filled with various annual pilgrimages both at home and abroad. As a result this coming Sunday will be the last Youth Forum at Ladyewell until 14th September.

Hope to see you all there on Sunday.

almost forgot... here is a preview of the new poster being sent out very shortly:

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Prayer group meeting

Just to let you know we will be meeting this at Ladyewell from 7pm on Sunday 22nd.

What better way to prepare for this than going to St.Kentigern's in Blackpool to support Rosie O raising money for World Youth Day...see earlier post.

Friday, 13 June 2008

BBQ this sunday....more info

This Sunday we are meeting at Fr Luiz's for a BBQ at 7pm. Fr Luiz lives at St Mary's, 59 Main St, Hornby, near Lancaster LA2 8JT. you have to go up the M6 to junction 34, turn left, travel 4 or 5 miles (through Caton) and then you get to Hornby - the church is on the left, opposite the Anglican church.

see you on sunday, and bring a friend. the more the merrier.

Thursday, 12 June 2008

Rosie O's World Youth Day fundraiser

You may or may not already know but Rosie O'Donnell is holding a fund raising event to raise money for world Youth Day Trip... Here is a poster:
Can you all please ask your PP / Priest in charge to include in the Sunday notices / Parish Newsletters to try and encourage as many people as possible to come everyone welcome. All proceeds to support Rosie's trip to World Youth Day in Australia.

Monday, 9 June 2008

Social again??

Ok so i have not updated the blog in a while, but some of us have work to do...

Anyway it is the perfect time of year again so we're going to have a BBQ.

Not at Ladyewell this time - Up at Fr. Luiz's parish in Hornby.

more details to come shortly...

Monday, 19 May 2008

After the Chinese buffet...

Ok, so i wasn't there for the buffet, but i turned up just in time for Fr. Luiz to buy everyone a drink.

Thanks again to Lizzie for the picture - Next time you'll be in the middle :-)

Monday, 12 May 2008

Next prayer group social

The proposal is that for next week (Sunday 18th May) to meet at 7pm outside Greyfriars and then go to the 'All you can eat' Chinese restaurant - Buffet @ Preston. If you have not been before have a look at the website:

If you are interested or if you have any questions please feel free to add a comment on this post and i will pass it on to Paul Smith who is making the reservations.

There is also a student discount available so please bring proof of being a student

Thursday, 1 May 2008

the voice of the group...

As it always gets to the week before the social and nobody can decide what they want to do i have added a poll to the blog to get you thinking about it...

If you pick 'other' be ready to say what you have in mind on Sunday so there is a chance of planning something

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Sunday, 27 April 2008

It took me a while, but here are the first few pictures
PS Thanks Lizzie

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Youth Forum Posters

We now have a couple of posters to advertise the youth Forum.

Here is the latest one:

Monday, 21 April 2008

Pix coming soon...

We hope to have some pictures to post in the very near future...

Sunday, 20 April 2008

Now Open

The Blog site is now open for use - We hope to update newmeeting times each week and advertise any other events.