Monday, 19 May 2008

After the Chinese buffet...

Ok, so i wasn't there for the buffet, but i turned up just in time for Fr. Luiz to buy everyone a drink.

Thanks again to Lizzie for the picture - Next time you'll be in the middle :-)

Monday, 12 May 2008

Next prayer group social

The proposal is that for next week (Sunday 18th May) to meet at 7pm outside Greyfriars and then go to the 'All you can eat' Chinese restaurant - Buffet @ Preston. If you have not been before have a look at the website:

If you are interested or if you have any questions please feel free to add a comment on this post and i will pass it on to Paul Smith who is making the reservations.

There is also a student discount available so please bring proof of being a student

Thursday, 1 May 2008

the voice of the group...

As it always gets to the week before the social and nobody can decide what they want to do i have added a poll to the blog to get you thinking about it...

If you pick 'other' be ready to say what you have in mind on Sunday so there is a chance of planning something